This past Spring, I had the privilege of road tripping for 3 weeks across the United States with my husband and puppy. From Chicago west to Southern California and back. Mile by mile. Motel after motel. National and state parks galore! What an experience! And that is the essence of Sagittarius, life embraced as an adventure!
On Saturday, June 3rd, at 10:41PM CT, we welcome the full moon. Colored by the sign of Sagittarius -- imagine the gypsy, the student, the philosopher. And while many a Sagittarian love to travel, travel is not really the point. As astrologer, Steven Forrest puts it, "...traveling...can teach us to look at life from a different point of view..."
In the 28-day cycle of the moon, the full moon is considered to be a time of completion, closure or letting go. Wherever you find Sagittarius in the map of your stars, this full moon will shine the light of truth, honesty and integrity. Will this be in your work, with your family, in a partnership, with friends, in your finances? Is there a thought you can liberate or release to help you open to new or different way of thinking? To think a new thought?
Every sign has a ruler, and for Sagittarius, this is Jupiter. Whatever it touches, it makes it bigger, sort of a 'match funder'. Right now, Jupiter is holding hands with the North Node of the moon, our collective future path or full potential. Maybe it can empower your search of bigger truths.
And just to add a little more spice, Mercury, the planet of communication, joins Uranus, the planet of sudden surprises. Expect some flashes of insight or genius, and remember, life is an adventure!
With So Much Love from Me and the Stars,